“My inner warrior is the part of me that embodies all my strength and courage. In this space, I have clarity of thought, strength of intuitive knowing and courage to do what is right with no hesitation to stand up and speak up.”

Sharon Permack

Millions of Knots: Discovering My Light Through Cancer

A Story of Hope, Healing and Inspriation

Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer and an autoimmune lung condition, in September of 2006, while moving through a divorce. She shares her story honestly and vulnerably for all women facing hardship, offering a clear message that you are not alone.

Millions of Knots Will Guide You Through Your Battle with Breast Cancer

Whether you have breast cancer, are a survivor or know someone who is on this journey,
this book inspires you to relate to the experience and know there is hope.

Millions of Knots; Discovering My Light Through Cancer began as a book for women diagnosed with breast cancer and those going through treatment and in recovery. It evolved to be a story for all women to make powerful decisions and advocate for their health.

So many women don’t know where to turn but feel in their heart there has to be a better path of support. Millions of Knots offers compassion, strength, encouragement and the wisdom to explore new possibilities in health.

Foreward of the book is written by Grace Shaw, Spiritual and Meditation Teacher.

Millions of Knots is an excellent companion for:

✓ Women going through a challenging health experience

✓ Women going through breast cancer diagnosis, those in treatment and those in recovery.

✓ Family, friends and companions of those battling health issues

✓ Those looking to understand the body/mind connection for healing

✓ Women looking for empowerment to make strong life choices

The Knowledge You Need to Become

Your Own Health Advocate

In 2006, Sharon Permack was diagnosed with breast cancer and pulmonary fibrosis while also facing a divorce. She doubted her ability to cope emotionally or physically with this life-threatening news and the difficult journey that lay ahead. With little support, Sharon felt isolated and alone, but with the tenacity in her heart she found the best possible treatments to save her life.

Sharon was able to build resilience, release trauma and stress and, implement a holistic lifestyle that turned her health around. A successful integrative wellness approach and the power of energy healing led her to become a practitioner herself.

Channeling her inner warrior gave Sharon the strength she needed to rise and overcome life threatening challenges. She now uses her knowledge, experiences and passion to mentor and guide women through their own personal health challenges as they learn how to become their own health advocates.

Sharon’s passion is to help women conquer fears of living with cancer or chronic illness. She brings women out of the darkness, or feeling overwhelmed to an empowered, balanced and resilient state of mind.

“Millions of Knots is a gift for any woman who has experienced cancer or a life threatening illness and her loved ones who walk beside her. Sharon shares her heart and how she embarked on a healing journey during a difficult time. She shines light and is a voice of encouragement sharing her resources that need to be in the hands of all women to become wellness warriors.”

~ Spiritual Mentor & Visionary Healer, Founder of The Healer’s Academy™

“In Millions of Knots, Sharon Permack takes you on a surprising journey of courage through her own dark night of the soul. A clear-eyed yet deeply vulnerable storyteller, she models what it means to discover wisdom in even the most extreme circumstances. And she redefines beauty from the inside out in a way that is both humbling and admirable. I encourage every woman to read this book now, before she has to navigate such intense health and family issues herself.”

— Sharon Desjarlais, creator of CraniosacralSuccess.com

“Millions of Knots is an honest and informative book, a must read for every woman and for all those supporting women with breast cancer. Sharon tells her story with incredible vulnerability which gives rise to inspiration and thoughts of what are the infinite possibilities for healing and breast cancer!!”

~ Jenna Wakely RMT, Adv BTP, BF (Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Advanced Body Talk Practitioner, Access Bars Facilitator)

“Thank you so much for sharing your book with me. Your story was so compelling that I could not put it down. I am amazed by all that you went through and your authentic sharing. Not only have not only come through it but have turned your own journeys lessons into a path for others. You have shown how you have transformed your Super Sharon, into this book and story which is really super, Sharon. You are a real life super hero who will guide many women on their breast cancer journey. You have shown that healing is a journey that requires the support of our inner resources, such as the Inner Warrior, and outer resources such as friends and doing normal things like going out for lunch. Your story will be relatable and inspiring, and even a lifeline to millions for years to come. Congratulations!:

~ Heather Skoll

“Millions of Knots offers an honest and inspiring story of a journey through cancer and chronic illness to one of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. Sharon provides insightful recommendations for anyone struggling with their health and yearning for support and growth along the way. Her model of whole-body health represents the wave of change that is putting health back into the patient’s hands and is quickly changing the face of health care for the future.”

~ Dr. Tracey Clark, Doctorate and PhD in Integrative Medicine, Manual Osteopath, Advanced BodyTalk Instructor and Practitioner

“In her book, Sharon shares life lessons for everyone. Her words are so powerful and her story is raw and real and yet you are left with a sense of comfort. Sharon teaches us all to be patient, kind and loving towards ourselves in her book about her personal journey. While Sharon has physically and emotionally experienced what many would consider roadblocks, she shares how she overcame these through her resourcefulness, determination and grit. Her openness is raw and real and Sharon holds nothing back. And, at the same time, she provides helpful guidance in a clear, supportive way throughout the entire book. I left reading this book feeling empowered to tap into my inner warrior strength and reminded that we all have it within ourselves.”

~ Amanda Gobatto | Online Business Strategist and Consultant | Founder of Heartledpreneurs www.digitalgirlconsulting.com

“I read your book in 2 days as it was hard to stop! Your story was moving, vulnerable and courageous. Women facing similar situations can draw strength from your words and encouragement. I loved the spaces where there was a pause and a paragraph of hope and wisdom.

My favourite line of the book “Even warriors leave the battlefield to regroup and rest”

Well done!”

~ Lynn Pelzer. FemCity COO