Energy Healing

Tapping into the body’s innate wisdom to restore your
body, mind and spirit

Energy Healing

Release energy blocks and stress
Rebalance your energy to a higher frequency 
Restore your health: body mind and spirit. 

Living with an autoimmune disorder and as a breast cancer survivor Energy Healing has been profound in supporting and improving my own health. I am passionate in offering Energy Healing to support you in navigating your healing journey. Let’s bring you into alignment to feel more balanced and move forward feeling empowered about your health.

The body has an innate ability to heal itself. Energy therapies aid in facilitating this response.

Energy Healing can create quite impactful changes at deep levels of our health.

A holistic approach is taken focusing on you, as a whole; body, mind and spirit

I use a multi-modality approach. I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, a TAT Professional,  a Certified Reiki Practitioner and an Ascended Master Healer – all of which I have been using for many years to guide and support my clients.

These modalities are specifically tailored to work with your individual energy, holistically addressing the priority of your unique blueprint or combination of experiences, beliefs, and challenges.

Women share after an Energy Healing session, they feel calmer, lighter and have a new healthier perspective overall. They also report being more connected to their own intuition and understand the messages from their bodies to improve self care.

Let’s Get Started with a Discovery Call.